Pro-Active Termite Management
Termites constitute a separate order of insects called 'ISEPTORA'. Although, they are commonly called white ants, they are not related to ants. The front pair of wings of the ants are longer than their hind pair whereas in termites, both pairs are equal. There are over 2300 species of termites of which about 220 are found in India. All these species are not considered to be serious pests. A termite colony consists of a pair of reproductive, the so-called king and queen and a large number of sterile workers, soldiers, and nymphs. If, however, the queen is lost or destroyed, her place taken by a number of supplementary [productive in some group of termites;
How to Harm
As the damage likely to be caused by the termites is huge. Wood is one of the cellulosic materials which termites damage, cellulose forming their basic nutrient.
They also damage materials of organic origin with a cellulosic base, household articles like furniture, furnishings, clothings, stationery, etc. Termites are also known to damage non-cellulosic substances in their search for food. Rubber, leather, plastics, neoprene as well as lead coating used for covering of underground cables are damaged by termites.
Mode of Treatment
PCSM Provide the treatment adopted by the (BIS)Bureau of Indian Standards,

• Anti-Termite Measures in Existing Buildings

Part 3 Treatment for Existing Buildings [Third Revision of IS 6313(Part 3)] Last Date for comments: 31 January 2012. As per stage wide Treatment along outside of foundations, soil under floors & Internal walls, voids in masonry, Wood work The layer of chemically treated soil in immediate contact with foundation and floor structure of a building which kills or repels termites thus forming a barrier which is impervious to termite entry. by Termiticide Imidacloprid 30.50% SC. Manufactured by Bayer Crop Science Ltd.

• Anti-Termite Measures in Pre-Construction Buildings

Part 2 Pre-Constructional Chemical Treatment Measures [Third Revision of IS 6313(Part 2)] Last Date for comments: 31 January 2012. As per stage wide Different type of buildings Treatment for Masonry Foundations and Basements (Load Bearing Structures), Treatment For RCC Foundations (Buildings without Basements), Treatment to RCC Basement Buildings.

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